Principal’s Update #2 Term 1

We have sweltered through the hottest beginning to a school year that I can remember. Having said that, the students have settled into their routines very well. We have taken a common sense approach to limiting student exposure to heatwave conditions by having flexible break times and staying indoors during the peak hot periods.


John Fleming Visit
We have been so lucky to have renown education expert John Fleming at KPS over the last two days. Mr Fleming has observed all teachers on their literacy warmups with a particular focus on comprehension, hyperspeed and tracking. School’s that have implemented Mr Fleming’s explicit instruction model have been some of the highest achieving schools in Australia. By implementing this approach with rigour and consistency, we believe we are well placed to be a school that performs at an elite level. Our staff development day focused on our new reading approach which is called ‘reading with a pencil’. This new approach will be rolled out in all classes from next week.


Farewell to Chaplain Cassie
Later this term we will be bidding farewell to our Chaplain Cassie who will be leaving us. I want to thank her for serving our school community of the last 14 months and wish her all the best in her future endeavours.


P&C AGM and Meeting
Our first P&C meeting is next Tuesday 27 February at 6:00pm. This is a great opportunity for new and existing families to get involved in fundraising for our school. Joining the P&C isn’t a huge commitment with only 1-2 meetings per term and a few major fundraisers. It is a great way to meet new people and find a special connection to your school. Without the P&C, we wouldn’t have a canteen, uniform shop or many of the fantastic new additions to our school that the P&C fundraised for. So please come along and check it out.


Pre Kindy Now Open 
Our new Pre-Kindy service is now operating with a great turnout of families joining us for some fun and the opportunity to get to know some new friends. We are excited to offer this exciting opportunity for our community. It is our aim to provide our next generation of students with a taste of school life. Please email for more information.


Playgroup at KPS
Our playgroup service is operating in the OSH building. This initiative aims to bring our youngest community members into our school to make some new friends and enjoy playing together. It is also an opportunity for parents/carers to meet some new families in a casual and friendly environment. Children aged 0-5 are welcome to attend. Please email for more information.

New OHSC – Their Care
Our new out of hours school care provider has started operating onsite at KPS. It is a great opportunity for your children to have a structured day care experience without having to leave the school grounds. Please contact them directly with them for more information on1300 072 410 or