Principal’s Update #4 Term 1

We are entering the last week of our very short first term. Considering it has been so short, it is amazing to think how much has been squeezed in. We had students settle into classes, On-Entry testing for our pre-primary students, NAPLAN testing for Year 3 & 5, Awesome Evening, John Fleming visit, P&C AGM and our first Board meeting of the year. Next week, we will finish up on Thursday 28 March for the Easter holidays. I sincerely wish everyone in our community a happy and safe break, students will return to school on Monday 15 April.

Awesome Evening
Last night we held our annual Awesome Evening here at KPS. It was a tremendous success with a fantastic turnout from our community. The P&C managed the food for the night with a sausage sizzle and ice cream stall that proved to be very popular. They also had the very talented Mrs Carpenter working tirelessly painting faces for the entirety of the event. Given the balmy weather, the dunk tank was actually quite refreshing this year compared to others. The disco was also a big hit with DJ Aim pumping out requests from students and parents alike. I want to thank our OHSC provider ‘Their Care’ for donating the sausages and tickets to the Eagles vs Giants game this Sunday. The playgroup raffled these off and raised some much needed funds for their operations. I want to thank everyone involved from the staff, stall holders, volunteers and community for what was a sensational evening.

Assembly Changes
Next term we will be trialling a change in time for assemblies. We will run assemblies at 2pm on Wednesday afternoons. The reason we have decided to trial this is to ensure that our core learning time in the mornings is not compromised. We have discussed this at our School Board meeting and received unanimous support to trial it. We will welcome your feedback at the end of Semester 1.

Reporting Changes
Another change that we want to trial is regarding report comments. Instead of having a maths and English comment that can often seem generic or difficult to understand, we are going to trial omitting the comments in lieu of an information session to be held at the school on Thursday 20 June from 1:30pm-7pm. During these sessions you will book a time to discuss your child’s grades 1 on 1 with the classroom teacher and gain more insight into how they are achieving and what the next steps are. This was discussed with the School Board and received endorsement to trial this year.

Easter Hat Parade
This Wednesday 27 March is the hugely popular Easter Hat Parade. This will be held after the assembly at 10am on the quad. Please note that it is not an expectation that these hats will be made in classrooms. We look forward to seeing the creativity and ideas that are on display.

We are almost at the end of our NAPLAN testing period for 2024. I was lucky enough to administer some of the Year 3 writing, and I must say I was impressed with how well our students are doing in comparison to previous years. I want to thank every student that completed the tests and gave it their very best – you are all superstars. I also want to acknowledge Mrs Aim who not only administered the tests but also organised the massive logistical task of organising timetables, iPads, test materials and staff logins. It is a huge task, and this testing period has gone on without incident.

Pre Kindy Now Open
Our new Pre-Kindy service is now operating with a great turnout of families joining us for some fun and the opportunity to get to know some new friends. We are excited to offer this exciting opportunity for our community. It is our aim to provide our next generation of students with a taste of school life. Please email for more information.

KPS School Board
The KPS School Board is our governing body that is made up of parents, staff and community members. The Board meets 1-2 times a term to discuss various aspects of the school including academic data, school approaches and our Business Plan. The Board Chair is Mr Daniel Attewell who often liaises with the parents on the Board. We will have some vacancies that arise this year that you may be interested in. If you would like any further information please email me at

Playgroup at KPS
Our playgroup service is operating in the OSH building. This initiative aims to bring our youngest community members into our school to make some new friends and enjoy playing together. It is also an opportunity for parents/carers to meet some new families in a casual and friendly environment. Children aged 0-5 are welcome to attend. Please email for more information.

New OHSC – Their Care
Our new out of hours school care provider has started operating onsite at KPS. It is a great opportunity for your children to have a structured day care experience without having to leave the school grounds. Please contact them directly with them for more information on1300 072 410 or